Award-winning Naked Bacon Could Be Coming To A Store Near You!
Your food choices each day affect your health; how you feel today, tomorrow, and in the future. Bacon is usually one of those foods that doesn’t fall into the healthy eating category, until now.
Naked Bacon produces gourmet, all-natural bacon with no nitrates, chemicals, phosphates, gluten, or water. Just in case you didn’t know ‘Nitrates’, which are often used as preservatives in processed meat, change into N-nitroso (compounds that promote cancer) in the meat and also in the gut when it is being digested. Naked Bacon is also one of only a few companies in the country with Whole 30 approval for bacon and sausage. (Whole30 is a national whole eating diet program with very strict guidelines.)
Through proprietary traditional curing methods and secret ingredients, our company is one of the few pork bacon companies with the nutritional characteristics of 44% less fat and 25% less sodium than your normal bacon which has been approved by the USDA!
On May 26th, Naked Bacon will launch an IndieGoGo campaign that will run until July 25th. During this time period, we hope to raise $75,000 that will be used to hire national food distributors and for advertising and marketing services to support the products during national distribution. It is crucial that we hire these food distributors to get our products distributed to national supermarket chains across the country so more people can have access to the healthiest, best-tasting bacon available!
There is no question that bacon is a tasty treat and we are on a mission, not just for the bacon lovers, but for everyone to have the chance to enjoy and include bacon as part of their healthy diet…not just a cheat-day indulgence.